$1,000 donation to Molong United Hospital Auxiliary will take care of a much-needed renovation

The Rural Centre and the Crop Science division of Bayer have donated $1,000 to Molong United Hospital through the iGiveLocal Community Support Program. Now in its fourth year, the iGiveLocal Program has to date donated over $100,000 to more than 190 local causes around the country.

The cheque was proudly presented to the to Molong United Hospital Auxiliary (UHA) treasurer Julie James by Keith Garlick and Peter Moon of The Rural Centre and Bayer representative Jon Bennett.

On behalf of the UHA, president Janice Oswald thanked both Bayer and The Rural Centre for their kind donation. “We are a small organisation that raises funds for much needed equipment for the local hospital. This donation will be put towards a renovation in the palliative care rooms”.

Jon Bennett (Bayer), Keith Garlick (The Rural Centre), Julie James, Cheryn Johnson, Meryl Murray, Shelley Moer, Deb Kenna, Leslie Bye, Peter Moon (The Rural Centre), Maureen Curtis, Benny Caldwell, Jonathan Rolfie.

Keith Garlick said: ”We’re pleased to provide help in refurbishing the wards used for palliative care especially after being knocked back for a grant by the government. The work will commence shortly and will benefit the community for years to come“.

Janice Oswald continues: “We have 20 full time residents in the hospital’s aged care unit and we work hard to provide them with small luxuries to make their lives a little brighter and put a smile on their faces”.

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